Peter wants to buy office space for his new business
Peter wants to buy office space for his new business

People (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now.You only (to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much.She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson.

peter wants to buy office space for his new business

It (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here.My cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet.The students have prepared for the exams.Īnswers: 1.Have we been to the theatre? 2.I have painted the walls in my bedroom.The doctor hasn’t prescribed some medicine. The doctor has prescribed some medicine.Īnswers: 1.

peter wants to buy office space for his new business

I am translating a difficult article from German into Russian.Īnswers: 1.Are you recording your favourite film on his video recorder?.We are looking for more CDs with good music.James is ordering a bottle of apple juice.Susan is making a new dress for her birthday party.The children are putting on their coats.She is taking the dirty plates from the table.You are putting the dishes on the table.He is bringing them some meat and vege­tables.The wait­er is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him.She is telling them an interest­ing story.My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem.Ian and Peter have already repaired the radio. You have spent a lot of money this month. My cousins have never been to this cinema. Ian and Peter/to repair/the radio/already.Īnswers: 1.You/to spend/а lot of money/this month.

peter wants to buy office space for his new business

  • The girl has drew/drawn a nice picture.Īnswers: 1.
  • Julia and Betty have/has cut the vegetables.
  • To arrive, to give, to play, to understand, to blow, to prepare, to wash, to fall, to miss, to run, to know, to talk, to open, to do, to water, to teach, to iron, to brush, to pay, to say, to remember, to show, to speak, to gather.Īnswers: Given, understood, blown, fallen, run, known, done, taught, paid, said, shown, spoken.

    Peter wants to buy office space for his new business